how to juice without a juicer

There’s nothing better than starting your day with freshly made juice that you made. But if you don’t have one of those state-of-the-art, fancy juicers you see on health blogs, how can you extract juice without any device?

There are other ingenious but simple solutions with which you can make your green juice. You can do all this without using a designated juicer. In this article, we will give you an insight into how to juice without a juicer.

Can You Juice Without a Juicer?

Yes, you absolutely can juice without a juicer. This is excellent news for anyone who wants to start making their smoothies and juices from home. Moreover, to juice without a juicer means that you don’t have to spend any extra money.

There is a popular belief that you need a juicer to make all your homemade smoothies and juices. But thanks to modern technology and creative thinking, you can use different tools for whatever you need. In this article, we will guide you through how this works using just a few basic tools.

The Tools You Will Need to Juice Without a Juicer

Making juice without a juicer is a fairly simple process. It doesn’t matter whether you are doing it with a blender or manually. We do, however, recommend that you need to following items for when you want to make a sweet juice, smoothie or any juicing recipe you may find:

  • A high-speed blender or good quality blender
  • A spatula
  • A fine mesh strainer or a nut milk bag (this is to strain the juice and get rid of the pulp)
  • A bowl where your strainer can sit on top

A Basic Guide on How to Juice Without a Juicer

This simple method can be used for almost any juice that you want to make at home. However, you might have to slightly change your method depending on the ingredients you use. It will also depend on the quality of your equipment and your kitchen space.

Step 1: Preparing the Ingredients and Tools

Preparation is key. Therefore, read through the entire recipe to make sure you have all the juice ingredients you need. Make sure that you have all the ingredients and tools you need at hand as well. It means that you want to get a clean blender, spatula or bowl ready to use.

It’s recommended that you cut them up into small pieces if you have any big pieces of fruit or veg. This will make it easier and sometimes faster to blend all your ingredients for your juice. Moreover, you may end up with a smoother mixture.

Step 2: Adding Extra Liquid

The next step is to add the liquid that creates the base of your drink. For example, it could be filtered water, coconut water or simply some lemon juice mixed with other juices. Each recipe is different and calls for different amounts of liquid to be used, as it also depends on what other ingredients you will add. Some recipes will ask that you use 1 cup or even 3 cups of water.

Many experts will recommend that when you’re juicing, you shouldn’t add all the water at the same time. You can start by adding a little water to your mixture, as you can always add more as you go along until you reach the right consistency.

Step 3: Straining Your Juice

You can use either a nut milk bag, a cheesecloth or a fine-mesh strainer in a mixing bowl for this next step. All options work equally well for straining your juice and ensuring you have little to no pulp left.

You can pour the juice from your blender into your nut milk bag or strainer. Ensure that you’ve already placed the strainer or the nut milk bag over a large mixing bowl.

Step 4: Squeezing Your Juice

If you’re using a nut milk bag, all you will need to do is carefully squeeze the content. All the liquid will be forced out and into the bowl. Keep carefully squeezing it until you only have dry pulp left in the bag.

You might have to do things a bit differently if you used the strainer over a mixing bowl method. For this, you will need a spatula or a spoon to press the juice through the strainer and into the mixing bowl. When you’re done, you should just be left with the juice mixture in the bowl and the pulp in the strainer.

Step 5: Enjoy Your Juice

All that’s left now is to enjoy the juice that you made yourself. Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy a refreshing sip. If you have any leftover juice, store it in an airtight container in the fridge.

Great Ingredients for Healthy Homemade Juices

Certain ingredients are essential for making nutritious juice in the comfort of your own home. Don’t worry, though, if you don’t have any of these; they are simply suggestions to offer green yogi juice inspiration.


This vegetable is a favourite for healthy meals and juice recipes, and it’s no surprise why. Cucumbers are high in vitamin E and low in calories. If you’re making juice for weight loss, you should add cucumber to your ingredient list.

It’s also a good idea to add cucumbers to your “after work out” juice. It will help you stay hydrated and improve the health of your joints. Cucumbers are also great for helping you to flush out toxins.


Just like cucumber, celery in your juice will help keep you hydrated. This is a favourite for a nutritious juice because celery contains cancer-fighting antioxidants, and it can help you reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in your body.

If you want to reduce your migraines, you might want to consider adding celery to your juice. Adding celery will also help you digest your food better. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you might also want to include celery.


Ginger is a great ingredient if you want to add a kick to your blender juice. There are also plenty of health benefits to adding ginger to your drinks and meals. The biggest benefit is that it’s a strong anti-inflammatory.

Green Apples

Green apples are rich in vitamins A and C. As the old saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Nutritious Leafy Greens

green leafy vegetables on a plate

Leafy greens are an essential part of any healthy juice and diet. These will often include kale, Romain lettuce and even baby spinach. Also, these vegetables have been considered highly nutritious. You will find these ingredients in nutrient-dense green juice.

Spinach is also great for adding a fresh and strong flavour to your juice. It is rich in vitamin K and helps with your digestion.

Romaine Lettuce is also great for adding texture and extra nutrients. It reduces the risk of heart disease and fights against cancer, and also gets rid of toxins.

Benefits of Freshly Making Your Juice

It might be more convenient to pop down to the local juice bar and get your juice without the hassle. But doing this every day can end up costing you a lot of money. This is one of the many reasons why you might want to consider making your juice at home.

You Can Control What You Put In

Drinking fresh juice that you made in your home means that you can control what goes into your juice. You can make sure that your juice only has natural sugars and preservatives. Homemade juice means that there are no extra unhealthy surprises in your juice either.

Most health juices you buy from a shop or your friendly local juice bar will often have extra preservatives or unnatural sugars. These will often have very little nutritional value and may result in weight gain.

Extra Fibre

Homemade juices are a great way to include extra fibre in your diet. It can be done if you add nuts, beans and oats. Additionally, apples and oranges are sweet options for adding extra fibre to your diet.

The extra fibre will also help improve the growth of any good bacteria in your system. It will especially help improve your digestion. Plus, it will also help maintain your blood sugar and lower your cholesterol.

Keep You Hydrated

Making your juice means that you will track how much water you drink during the day. This is because vegetables such as cucumbers have high water content. It means that drinking freshly squeezed juices will give you lots of water.

The water will help your body process all the carbs from the natural sugars in your juice. It will help you digest all minerals and vitamins in the juice.

Along with staying hydrated, you will also have more energy. Furthermore, fresh juice will also help you maintain a healthy metabolism, and if you experience skin problems, it can help improve your skin’s elasticity.


There are plenty of plant-based ingredients and foods in homemade juice. It means that you will get plenty of antioxidants that can protect you from free radicals. These are molecules that might lead to heart disease and possibly even cancer.

Enjoy Your Fresh Juice

You don’t need a head out and buy yourself a fancy juicer so that you can have fresh juice at home. Juicing can be done just as well with a good-quality blender and straining tools. Just don’t forget the fresh fruit and vegetables, of course.

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