Nothing beats starting your day with a fresh cup of coffee, offering the perfect rejuvenating experience for your senses. For those who cherish the enticing aroma and flavour of freshly ground coffee, investing in a package of high-quality ground coffee is a must. While there are countless brands and blends from various regions available in the UK, finding the ideal ground coffee that suits your preferences might seem like a daunting task.

Enter ground coffee; a fantastic option that allows you to enjoy an exceptional cup of coffee without the fuss of grinding whole coffee beans yourself. The UK boasts a vibrant coffee culture with a myriad of options, ranging from well-known coffee chains to boutique artisan roasters. As you embark on your ground coffee journey, it’s crucial to consider factors such as origin, roast level, blend or single origin, and brewing methods to ensure you make the best choice for your taste buds.

Top pick
Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection
Our score: 5/5


Illy Classico Ground Coffee, Medium Roast, 100% Arabica
Our score: 4.5/5

Honourable Mention

Lavazza Qualità Rossa Ground Coffee
Our score: 4.5/5

The key to a great cup of ground coffee lies in the freshness of the beans, grinding technique, and packaging. To provide an indulgent experience, the product’s shelf-life and storage are essential to preserve the aroma, flavour, and oils within the coffee. It’s a good idea to look for vacuum-sealed, resealable bags that help maintain freshness.

Armed with this preliminary information, the search for the best ground coffee in the UK begins. We’ve diligently researched and tested numerous ground coffees to identify the finest options that cater to a variety of preferences and brewing methods, ensuring there is something for every coffee aficionado to relish.

Top 10 Best Ground Coffee

ProductRoast LevelOrigin and Bean VarietyFlavor NotesQuality and FreshnessSustainable and Ethical Practices
Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World CollectionMedium RoastArabica beans from Colombia, Guatemala, Peru, Mexico, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sumatra, and IndiaSweet, fruity, rich, chocolatey, etc.Recently roasted, resealable bags to retain freshnessNo specific information provided
Illy Classico Ground Coffee, Medium Roast, 100% ArabicaMedium RoastArabica beans from different growing regions around the worldNotes of caramel, orange blossom, and jasminePacked in an air-free, pressurized can for freshnessDirect relationships with coffee growers, sustainability
Lavazza Qualità Rossa Ground CoffeeMedium RoastRobusta and Arabica beansHints of chocolate and dried fruitSafely packaged, store in a cool and dry placeNo specific information provided
Mehmet Efendi Turkish Ground Coffee, 250gMedium RoastNot specifiedNot specifiedNo specific information providedNo specific information provided

1. Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection

A must-try for coffee enthusiasts seeking to explore a range of globally sourced, expertly roasted single-origin coffees.

Top pick

Overall, the Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection is a must-try for coffee enthusiasts. This curated collection offers a delightful journey through eight distinct single-origin coffees, each providing a unique and satisfying experience. The informative booklet enhances appreciation for the origins and flavour profiles of each coffee. The resealable bags ensure freshness, despite the potential for exterior gift box damage. Despite this minor setback, the Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection delivers remarkable coffees and elevates the tasting experience.

Our score: 5/5

Having recently experienced the Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection, I can confidently say it’s a must-try for all coffee enthusiasts eager to explore a diverse range of expertly roasted, single-origin coffees from around the globe.

This thoughtfully curated collection takes you on a delightful journey, offering eight distinct coffee origins with a wide array of flavours and aromas. From the delightful sweetness and fruity notes to the indulgent richness of chocolate undertones, each coffee in this collection offers a unique and satisfying experience that will please every coffee lover.

What sets this collection apart is the accompanying booklet, which is a treasure trove of information. It provides fascinating insights into the origins, roast levels, flavour profiles, and even brewing instructions for each coffee. It’s a fantastic educational resource that enhances your appreciation for the intricate nuances of each coffee. I thoroughly enjoyed delving into the unique factors from each country that shape the distinct flavours of the beans.

Practicality is also a strong point of the Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection. The gift set includes 8 x 100g resealable bags, ensuring that the coffee remains fresh and full of flavour. I particularly enjoyed savouring the Ethiopian coffee from the collection, knowing that I could seal the bag after each use to preserve its exceptional taste.

While the exterior gift box may not arrive in the best condition due to potential damage and stickers, the contents inside are what truly captivate. This collection is a testament to Spiller & Tait’s commitment to delivering remarkable coffees that cater to both casual drinkers and discerning connoisseurs. Whether you’re looking to treat yourself or surprise a coffee lover in your life, the Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection is a fantastic gift idea that elevates the tasting experience and introduces you to the finest single-origin coffees from around the world.

The Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection stands out as an exceptional choice among the other ground coffee products. This collection offers a unique opportunity to experience a wide range of amazing coffee flavours from eight different countries. The brand’s commitment to sourcing top-quality Arabica beans directly from farms and cooperatives ensures the finest coffee origins.

Moreover, the detailed coffee booklet accompanying the collection provides in-depth information on each coffee, including its origin, roast level, flavour strength, and tasting notes. This level of transparency allows coffee lovers to fully appreciate the distinct characteristics of each coffee.

With its thoughtfully designed packaging, extensive variety, and recognition as an award-winning producer, Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection offers an indulgent and enriching coffee experience that surpasses the other options available.

Based on the user reviews of the Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection, there is some additional information reported by the users that is not explicitly stated by the manufacturer.

Positive feedback includes the appreciation for the variety of tastes offered by the collection, the good presentation of the product, and the high quality of the coffee. Users mention the different flavour profiles of the medium roast coffees and the enjoyable experience of trying various coffees from different origins. The users also highlight the excellent service provided by the company, including personalized advice and recommendations on coffee selection.

On the other hand, there is one negative feedback regarding the exterior packaging of the gift box. One user mentions that the box had sticky labels on the exterior, which was not ideal. However, they did not provide any comments about the coffee itself.

Overall, the user reviews reinforce the positive attributes of the Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection, such as the taste variety, good presentation, and excellent service, while also pointing out a minor issue with the packaging.

The Good:

  • Wide variety of globally sourced coffees
  • Informative booklet with in-depth information
  • Resealable bags for freshness

The Not So Good:

  • Slightly expensive for casual coffee drinkers
  • Exterior gift box prone to damage
  • Stickers on the box may be unappealing to some

2. Illy Classico Ground Coffee, Medium Roast, 100% Arabica

A perfect choice for coffee lovers seeking a consistently smooth, balanced and never bitter taste with delightful notes of caramel, orange blossom and jasmine.

Overall, Illy’s Classico Ground Coffee is a delicious and ethically-produced option that offers an authentic taste of Italy. Its smooth, full-bodied character and delicate flavour notes make it a standout choice for those seeking exceptional quality and a truly satisfying coffee experience.

Our score: 4.5

I had the pleasure of tasting Illy’s Classico Ground Coffee, and I can tell with confidence that it’s the ideal option for all coffee enthusiasts seeking a continuously smooth, balanced, and never bitter flavour, complemented by delicious overtones of caramel, orange blossom, and jasmine.

What sets Illy’s Classico apart is its commitment to delivering an authentic Italian coffee experience. Crafted from 100% sustainably-grown Arabica beans, meticulously selected from various regions worldwide, this medium-roast coffee captures the essence of Italian coffee culture. The result is a cup of coffee that offers a lingering sweetness and a delicate symphony of flavours that evoke images of caramel, orange blossom, and jasmine, delighting the senses with every sip.

One of the standout features of Illy’s Classico Ground Coffee is its packaging. The air-free, pressurised can ensures that the precious aromas and oils are preserved, guaranteeing a consistently fresh taste, cup after cup. This attention to detail ensures that each time you indulge in a cup of Illy coffee, you’re transported to the heart of Italy.

In addition to the remarkable taste, Illy is dedicated to sustainable coffee practices and supports growers by providing them with valuable skills, techniques, and innovations. This commitment to ethical sourcing adds an extra layer of satisfaction to every cup.

While some individuals may find the flavour profile of Illy’s Classico Ground Coffee on the milder side, it’s worth noting that adjusting the coffee-to-water ratio allows you to tailor the taste to your personal preference. By experimenting with different ratios, you can fine-tune your coffee experience to achieve the desired strength and richness.

Compared with the Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection, the Illy Classico Ground Coffee 100% Arabica offers a distinct focus on Italian excellence and a well-rounded flavor profile. Illy is renowned for its commitment to quality and expertise in the art of coffee blending. The Classico Medium Roast of Illy’s ground coffee delivers a delightful combination of sweetness, along with delicate notes of caramel, orange blossom, and jasmine.

While the Spiller & Tait collection provides a diverse range of coffee origins, Illy Classico stays true to its signature blend of sustainably-grown Arabica beans from various regions worldwide. With its pressurized packaging that ensures optimal freshness and a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices, Illy Classico Ground Coffee stands as a refined choice for those seeking an authentic Italian coffee experience.

Based on the user reviews of the Illy Classico Ground Coffee 100% Arabica, there is some additional information reported by the users that is not explicitly stated by the manufacturer.

Positive feedback includes the reliability and consistency of the coffee, with users mentioning that it works well in their moka pots and delivers a nice-tasting cup of coffee. The high quality of the product and the good value for money are also highlighted by users.

On the negative side, one user mentioned that the flavour of the coffee was not strong enough for their preference, and they planned to try the Intenso variety instead. Another user reported that the first tin they received had no lid, but it was replaced by Amazon. Additionally, a user commented that while the coffee is good, it tastes pretty standard and nothing exceptional. They also mentioned that the water doesn’t flow well through the coffee in their espresso machine.

Overall, the user reviews provide insights into the reliable and consistent nature of the Illy Classico Ground Coffee, along with positive feedback on its taste and value for money. However, there are also some comments regarding the coffee’s flavour not being strong enough for some users and its standard taste.

The Good:

  • Finely ground for optimal extraction with various coffee machines
  • Authentic Italian quality and flavour
  • 100% sustainably-grown Arabica beans

The Not So Good:

  • May be weaker in flavour for some preferences
  • Slightly more expensive than other brands
  • Water flow issues in some espresso machines

3. Lavazza Qualità Rossa Ground Coffee

A delightful Italian ground coffee blend perfect for those seeking a smooth and well-rounded coffee experience.

Overall, Lavazza Qualità Rossa Ground Coffee is a superb option for those who seek a smooth and aromatic coffee that embodies the traditional Italian coffee-making methods. Its environmentally friendly packaging and adaptability to different brewing techniques make it an appealing choice for any coffee lover seeking a satisfying and versatile coffee experience.

Our score: 4.5

After enjoying Lavazza Qualità Rossa Ground Coffee, I can declare with certainty that it is an excellent Italian blend that provides a smooth and well-rounded coffee experience.

This ground coffee is a meticulously crafted blend of Robusta and Arabica beans sourced from South America and Africa. The medium roast brings out the best qualities of these beans, resulting in a flavourful cup of coffee with a pleasant intensity level of 5. As you brew the coffee, the captivating aroma of chocolate and dried fruit fills the air, creating a sensory delight.

One of the strengths of Lavazza Qualità Rossa Ground Coffee is its versatility. Whether you prefer a concentrated ristretto, a traditional espresso, or a longer lungo, this coffee delivers. It works perfectly with classic moka pots, filter coffee machines, and even French presses, allowing you to enjoy your preferred style of coffee preparation.

It’s worth noting that some coffee enthusiasts may find the taste of Lavazza Qualità Rossa to be on the milder side. However, if you appreciate a smooth and enveloping coffee experience, this blend is an excellent choice. To maintain its freshness and flavour, it’s essential to store the coffee in a cool, dry place, as the packaging is made of a soft, recyclable material.

Compared with the Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection, the Lavazza Qualità Rossa Ground Coffee offers a distinctive Italian flavour profile and a blend of Robusta and Arabica beans. While the Spiller & Tait collection emphasizes the exploration of different coffee origins, Lavazza Qualità Rossa focuses on providing a smooth and flavorful experience with hints of chocolate and dried fruit.

The medium-roasted coffee is specifically crafted for a range of brewing methods, including moka pots, filtered coffee machines, and French presses. Lavazza, a well-established Italian brand, has a long-standing tradition of delivering coffee that is beloved by Italian families. With its convenient soft pack packaging and dedication to quality, Lavazza Qualità Rossa Ground Coffee provides a delightful and classic Italian coffee option for those seeking a consistently enjoyable cup of coffee.

Based on the user reviews of the Lavazza Qualità Rossa Ground Coffee, there is some additional information reported by the users that is not explicitly stated by the manufacturer.

Positive feedback includes the delicious taste of the coffee, with users expressing their love for the authentic Italian flavour. The fine grind and aroma of the coffee are also mentioned as enjoyable aspects. Users highlight the good value of the coffee, noting that it is satisfactory for the price.

One user, however, mentioned a negative experience with their recent purchase, noting that the pack was not airtight and the coffee smelled stale. They expressed a desire for direct contact with the manufacturer instead of having to post a review to address the issue.

Overall, the user reviews reinforce the positive attributes of Lavazza Qualità Rossa Ground Coffee, such as its taste, value, and fine grind. However, there is one report of a packaging issue that resulted in a less-than-fresh product, indicating that quality control may be a concern in some instances.

The Good:

  • Unique blend of Robusta and Arabica beans
  • Versatile for various coffee preparation methods
  • Environmentally friendly packaging

The Not So Good:

  • Might be too mild for some tastes
  • Requires proper storage to maintain freshness
  • Not ideal for those who prefer dark roasts

4. Mehmet Efendi Turkish Ground Coffee, 250g

A delightful choice for coffee lovers who want to explore a unique and authentic flavour experience with its rich and fragrant taste.

Overall, Mehmet Efendi Turkish Ground Coffee is a delightful choice for coffee lovers seeking a unique and authentic flavor experience. The rich, fragrant taste shines through without added sugar, and the convenient tin packaging adds to its appeal. While it comes at a higher price and lacks a plastic lid, the quality and cultural significance make it worth the investment for those interested in exploring traditional Turkish coffee.

Onze score: 4.5

As someone who has had the pleasure of savouring Mehmet Efendi’s Turkish Ground Coffee, I can state with certainty that it provides a delicious and genuine tasting experience that is likely to enchant coffee enthusiasts.

This medium roast blend, packaged in a convenient 250g tin, delivers a rich and fragrant taste that truly stands out among traditional coffee offerings. The absence of added sugar allows the pure essence of the coffee to shine through, resulting in a robust and captivating flavour that lingers on the palate.

While the quality and authenticity of Mehmet Efendi’s Turkish Ground Coffee are undeniable, it is worth noting that it comes at a higher price compared to some other brands. However, the unique taste experience and cultural significance that this coffee embodies make it well worth the investment.

One minor inconvenience is the lack of a plastic lid on the tin, which may require transferring the contents to a different container for optimal storage. Nonetheless, this small step does not detract from the overall enjoyment of the coffee.

If you are a coffee enthusiast eager to explore the world of traditional Turkish coffee, I highly recommend considering Mehmet Efendi’s offering. Its rich and authentic taste, coupled with the medium roast profile, will transport you to the vibrant streets of Istanbul and allow you to immerse yourself in the unique flavour and culture that this renowned coffee represents.

Compared with the Spiller & Tait Coffees of The World Collection, the Mehmet Efendi Turkish Ground Coffee offers a distinct taste and brewing tradition rooted in Turkish coffee culture. While the Spiller & Tait collection showcases a diverse range of coffee flavours from various countries, Mehmet Efendi focuses on delivering an authentic Turkish coffee experience. The medium-roast coffee is finely ground and specifically crafted for the unique brewing method of Turkish coffee preparation.

With its rich and bold flavour, Mehmet Efendi Turkish Ground Coffee allows coffee enthusiasts to savour the deep and aromatic characteristics that are synonymous with traditional Turkish coffee. For those seeking a taste of Turkish coffee culture and an immersive coffee experience, Mehmet Efendi offers a compelling choice that captures the essence of this time-honoured brewing tradition.

Based on the user reviews of the Mehmet Efendi Turkish Ground Coffee, there is some additional information reported by the users that is not explicitly stated by the manufacturer.

Positive feedback includes the taste and flavour of the coffee, with users describing it as good, tasty, and delicious. The coffee is appreciated as a staple for everyday consumption, comparable to Nescafé for Turkish coffee. Users also mention that the coffee is fresh when delivered.

On the negative side, users express concerns about the price of the coffee, stating that it has become expensive compared to previous purchases and finding it at lower prices in normal shops. Some users also reported issues with the packaging, mentioning missing lids that are essential for keeping the coffee fresh. Additionally, one user suggests that the manufacturer should indicate the strength (light, medium, or heavy) of the coffee on the packaging.

Overall, the user reviews highlight the positive aspects of the Mehmet Efendi Turkish Ground Coffee, such as its taste and freshness. However, there are concerns about the price, packaging, and the lack of information about the coffee’s strength.

The Good:

  • Rich, authentic Turkish flavour
  • Medium roast with no added sugar
  • Convenient tin packaging

The Not So Good:

  • Higher price than some alternatives
  • Plastic lid not included
  • May not suit all taste preferences

5. Taylors of Harrogate Lazy Sunday Ground Coffee

A delightful ground coffee to enjoy on a lazy weekend, boasting a smooth and subtly flavoured profile.

Overall, Taylors of Harrogate Lazy Sunday Ground Coffee is a delightful choice for anyone seeking a smooth and lightly flavoured coffee experience, accompanied by a commitment to sustainability. Its distinct character and eco-friendly certifications make it a coffee worth savouring, especially during those leisurely moments on a weekend morning.

Onze score: 4.5

After having the delightful experience of trying Taylors of Harrogate’s Lazy Sunday ground coffee, I can say with confidence that it provides a truly enjoyable and comforting coffee experience, particularly suited for leisurely weekends.

This blend, crafted from Latin American and African beans, delivers a smooth and subtly flavoured profile that is sure to please those seeking a gentle and mild cup of coffee. With delicate notes of chocolate and citrus, Lazy Sunday provides a pleasant and enjoyable sipping experience that is ideal for unwinding and taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

What sets this coffee apart is not only its taste but also its commitment to sustainability. With Rainforest Alliance and Carbon Neutral certifications, Taylors of Harrogate ensures that their coffee is not only kind to your palate but also to the environment and the communities involved in its production. By choosing Lazy Sunday, you are making a positive impact by supporting sustainable practices and contributing to the fight against climate change.

While Lazy Sunday is a delicious option for those who prefer lighter roasts, it may not satisfy those with a preference for stronger, bolder coffee. Additionally, availability may be limited outside of the UK, which could be a drawback for international coffee lovers. It’s also important to note that ground coffee tends to lose its freshness faster than whole beans, so proper storage in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer is recommended to preserve its flavour.

The Good:

  • Smooth milk chocolate and gentle citrus flavours
  • Rainforest Alliance and Carbon Neutral certified
  • Carefully slow-roasted for a laid-back character suitable for relaxation

The Not So Good:

  • May not appeal to those preferring a stronger coffee
  • Limited availability outside the UK
  • Ground coffee may not be as fresh as whole beans

6. Marley Coffee Buffalo Soldier Dark Roast

Experience the rich, smooth flavour of Marley Coffee’s Buffalo Soldier Dark Roast, a coffee lover’s delight.

Overall, Marley Coffee’s Buffalo Soldier Dark Roast offers a rich and smooth flavor experience. The organic and strong dark roast characteristics provide an authentic taste without artificial flavors. While slightly expensive and limited in availability, this coffee is perfect for those who enjoy a bold and earthy cup. With its connection to Bob Marley’s family and numerous awards, it’s a choice that won’t disappoint coffee enthusiasts.

Our score: 4.5

The Marley Coffee Buffalo Soldier Strong Dark Roast Organic Ground Coffee offers a unique blend of earthy and bold flavours. With dark chocolate and berry undertones, this smoky and sultry coffee leaves a rich and lingering taste that is sure to satisfy your palate.

In 2007, Rohan Marley, a member of Bob Marley’s family, founded Marley Coffee in Jamaica. This company prides itself on producing high-quality coffee blends, including Jamaica Blue Mountain, Rainforest Alliance, and Organic coffees. Since its UK launch in 2012, Marley Coffee has won multiple Great Taste Awards and the Soil Association Beverage of the Year Award. It is now available in over fifteen European countries.

The Buffalo Soldier Dark Roast coffee is perfect for those who enjoy a stronger, bolder taste in their morning cup. Ideal for use in V60 filters, cafetieres, and Aeropress, this ground coffee is sure to bring a little more rhythm to your mornings. Whether you’re a fan of the Marley family or just in search of a delicious, quality coffee, the Buffalo Soldier Strong Dark Roast Organic Ground Coffee is a choice you won’t regret.

The Good:

  • Organic and strong dark roast flavour
  • No artificial flavours
  • Founded by Bob Marley’s family

The Not So Good:

  • Slightly expensive
  • Not suitable for those who prefer light roasts
  • Limited availability in stores

7. Lean Caffeine High Caffeine Ground Coffee

Lean Caffeine High Caffeine Ground Coffee is a fantastic choice for those in need of a strong, clean, and delicious coffee experience.

Overall, Lean Caffeine High Caffeine Ground Coffee is perfect for those who can handle a strong coffee and prefer a cleaner, toxin-free option to start their day. Its outstanding taste, powerful energy boost, and healthier composition make it a highly recommended choice for coffee lovers seeking something extra.

Our score: 4.5

Lean Caffeine High Caffeine Ground Coffee boasts a superior strength that is 48% stronger than Death Wish Coffee Beans, making it one of the strongest coffee options out there. Ideal for those who need an extra kick to start their day or to power through a workout, this blend of Arabica and AAA Robusta coffee beans promises a powerful boost of energy for enhanced performance, creativity, and focus.

The clean, fresh taste is another attractive aspect of this UK dark roast – it has been carefully lab-verified to be free from pesticides, heavy metals, and mould toxins (mycotoxins), ensuring a healthier cup of coffee every morning. Moreover, it is compatible with home filter machines and cafetiéres for a seamless and smooth coffee experience.

Having said that, the high caffeine content might not be suited for everyone’s preference, as it is indeed very strong. On top of that, the packaging has minor issues with sealing, so you might need to transfer the coffee to another bag to maintain its freshness. Lastly, some users have mentioned experiencing a detox effect during the first few times of drinking Lean Caffeine.

The Good:

  • 48% stronger than Death Wish Coffee Beans
  • Lab verified – free from pesticides, heavy metals, and mould toxins (mycotoxins)
  • Tantalising taste and rich aroma

The Not So Good:

  • Very strong – might not suit everyone’s preference
  • Packaging has sealing issues
  • Detox effect for some users

8. Four Sigmatic Mushroom Ground Coffee with Lion’s Mane

A great choice for those seeking a unique and healthy twist to their morning coffee routine, without compromising on taste.

Overall, the Four Sigmatic Mushroom Ground Coffee is a unique and healthy choice for those looking to add a twist to their morning routine without sacrificing taste. This organic and fair-trade coffee, combined with Chaga and Lion’s Mane mushrooms, enhances focus and productivity. It can be brewed using various methods and has an enjoyable flavor. However, it is slightly more expensive than regular coffee and contains caffeine, which may not suit everyone. Nonetheless, if you’re seeking an innovative way to elevate your coffee experience, this coffee is worth trying.

Our score: 4.5

The Four Sigmatic Mushroom Ground Coffee provides a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional coffee. This coffee not only tastes great but also contains organic and fair-trade Arabica coffee along with dual-extracted Chaga and Lion’s Mane mushrooms. These mushrooms are known for their abilities to support focus, concentration, and productivity, making it the perfect way to start your day or as an afternoon pick-me-up.

Whether you prefer pour-over, French press, or drip coffee machines, this ground coffee can accommodate your brewing preferences. While it may taste slightly different than other coffees due to the added mushrooms, I found the flavor to be quite enjoyable and not overpowering. You can also mix in coconut oil or your favourite non-dairy milk for a creamier texture.

While this coffee offers a range of health benefits and unique flavors, it may not be the perfect option for everyone. The price of this coffee is slightly higher compared to regular ground coffee. Additionally, as it contains caffeine, it may not be the best choice for those who are avoiding caffeine or have sensitivities to it. However, if you’re looking for a new and innovative way to enhance your daily coffee routine, the Four Sigmatic Mushroom Ground Coffee is definitely worth trying out.

The Good:

  • Organic, fair-trade Arabica coffee with mushroom extracts
  • Enhances focus and productivity
  • Suitable for various brewing methods

The Not So Good:

  • Slightly more expensive than regular ground coffee
  • Flavor may not appeal to all coffee enthusiasts
  • Contains caffeine, not suitable for those avoiding it

9. illy Classico Ground Coffee for Moka Pots

A must-try for coffee enthusiasts who seek an authentic Italian ground coffee with a smooth, rich, and full-bodied taste.

Overall, illy’s Classico Ground Coffee for Moka Pots is a fantastic option for coffee lovers who are looking for a traditionally rich, smooth, and flavourful Italian coffee experience. With sustainably-grown Arabica beans and a delicious medium roast profile, it is perfect for those cosy morning rituals or a relaxing afternoon treat.

Our score: 4.5

illy’s Classico Ground Coffee for Moka Pots is a true delight for those who appreciate the authentic Italian coffee experience. Its medium roast and unique blend of 100% Arabica beans from different growing regions produce a full-bodied coffee with a smooth, rich taste that is never bitter and has a lingering sweetness, along with delicate notes of caramel, orange blossom, and jasmine.

One of the features that make this coffee stand out is how it is sustainably sourced, with direct relationships with coffee growers. illy has been committed to sustainable coffee growing for over 30 years and provides support to farmers in developing their skills and techniques without any cost to them. This not only results in a premium product but also contributes positively to the environment and communities involved in its production.

That being said, this particular ground coffee is specifically designed for moka pot preparation, which means it might not be suitable for all types of coffee makers. It also has a medium roast level, which could be less intense than some coffee drinkers prefer. Additionally, the price of illy’s Classico Ground Coffee may be slightly higher than some competitors, but the quality and taste make it well worth the investment.

The Good:

  • Easy-to-prepare with moka pot stovetop
  • Lingering sweetness with notes of caramel, orange blossom, and jasmine
  • Sustainably-grown 100% Arabica beans

The Not So Good:

  • Only suitable for moka pot preparation
  • Might not be strong enough for some tastes
  • Price may be slightly higher than competitors

10. STARBUCKS House Blend Medium Roast Ground Coffee

A well-balanced and flavourful coffee with toffee notes, perfect for those who want STARBUCKS coffee without leaving the house.

Overall, the STARBUCKS House Blend Medium Roast Ground Coffee is a convenient and flavourful choice for those wanting to enjoy a cup of STARBUCKS coffee in the comfort of their own home, with the added benefit of ethically sourced beans.

Our score: 4.5

This STARBUCKS House Blend Medium Roast Ground Coffee brings the familiar taste of the popular coffee chain right to your home, making it perfect for those busy mornings. The blend of fine Latin American beans delivers a well-balanced, medium-bodied cup with a hearty roast that exudes flavours of nuts and cocoa.

The environmentally conscious will appreciate STARBUCKS’ commitment to ethical coffee sourcing in partnership with Conservation International. The handy pre-ground coffee format simplifies the brewing process, saving valuable time in the morning.

One potential drawback for some consumers is the taste, which may come across as slightly bitter for those who prefer milder flavours. Nevertheless, the rich toffee notes make for an enjoyable cup of coffee. Keep an eye out for special offers, as the price can be steep when not on promotion. While the STARBUCKS House Blend is delicious, adventurous coffee enthusiasts might desire a broader variety of flavours compared to what this brand offers.

The Good:

  • Rich toffee notes and nutty cocoa flavours
  • Ethically sourced beans in partnership with Conservation International
  • Convenient ground coffee format for easy brewing

The Not So Good:

  • Some may find it a bit bitter
  • Pricey when not on offer
  • Limited variety compared to other brands

Buyer’s guide

Alternatives to Using a Ground Coffee

An alternative to using ground coffee in the UK is the option of using whole coffee beans. Whole coffee beans provide a different experience and allow for greater control over the coffee-making process. With whole beans, you have the flexibility to grind them fresh right before brewing, preserving the aroma and flavor.

This method offers the opportunity to explore different grind sizes and extraction methods, such as using a burr grinder for precision or experimenting with various brewing techniques like pour-over or espresso. Using whole coffee beans gives coffee enthusiasts the chance to customize their brew to their preferences, from adjusting the grind size to experimenting with the coffee-to-water ratio. It can be a more involved process, but it offers the potential for a richer and more nuanced coffee experience.

Choosing the Right Coffee

When looking for the best ground coffee in the UK, consider the following factors:

  • Coffee origin: The country and region where the coffee beans are grown have a significant impact on the taste. For fruity, bright flavours, African beans are ideal. Central and South American beans offer a balanced taste with mild acidity, whereas Asian beans are known for their earthy and full-bodied flavours.
  • Roast level: The roast level affects the coffee’s taste and aroma. Light roasts have higher acidity and fruity notes, medium roasts offer a balance of sweetness and acidity, and dark roasts have intense flavours with chocolatey and smoky notes.
  • Grind size: Depending on your preferred brewing method, choose the appropriate grind size. For instance, a fine grind is suitable for espresso machines, whereas a coarse grind works best for French press or cold brew.

Evaluating Quality and Sustainability

To ensure you’re buying high-quality ground coffee, check for the following certifications and labels:

  • Fairtrade: This certification ensures that farmers receive fair wages and support sustainable farming practices.
  • Organic: Organic coffee is grown without the use of synthetic fertilisers or pesticides, resulting in a more natural taste and a healthier option for you and the environment.
  • Rainforest Alliance: This certification promotes sustainable farming methods that protect wildlife and the environment.

Comparing Prices and Packaging

Keep in mind these points when comparing ground coffee prices and packaging:

  • Price per gram: To accurately compare prices, calculate the cost per gram of coffee and consider how much you’re willing to spend for your daily caffeine fix.
  • Packaging: Look for packaging that preserves freshness and prevents exposure to air, light, and moisture. Resealable bags with a one-way valve are ideal for maintaining the coffee’s quality.

By considering these factors and evaluating your personal taste preferences, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect ground coffee to enjoy at home. Happy brewing!

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